Short Descriptions of Standards

We each have personally found it beneficial within our experience to:
  • Have open arms, accepting of all of life's situations, either that challenging or pleasurable. 
  • Be whole heartedly trusting in the universe and it's creator, all it's inhabitants and situations it finds it self. 
  • Give others reason to find ourselves trustworthy and refrain from seaming otherwise.
  • Seek new opportunities of Creative and innovation forms of expression and living. 
  • Have the eyes find enjoyment and pleasure in all activities, remembering that every situation deserves laughter.
  • Believe in ourselves with full confidence in who designed us to succeed.
  • Face each day with a sense of bravery and a sense of chase to the growth it offers. 
  • Have a heart of compassion, tenderness and a sense of servitude to those seen lacking.
  • Have the patience to show mercy and tolerance to those cross, fail or make mistake at ours or others expense.
  • Be true in actions and speech to what we feel, believe and is our honesty self.  
  • Remember it is more productive to give with willing generosity, then to receive with resistance to work.
  • Be loyal to our commitments, following through and fulfilling our agreed contracts.
  • Be free of thoughts justifying judgment and exclusion of other’s unique design and freedom of it’s expression.
  • Have an honest respect, courteousness, cordial attitude to all religions, races and differences of any kind.  
  • Have the understanding that there is a time and place, for every activity, lifestyle and language and the refraining off.
  • Have focus on this moment, living without regret, guilt or fear of what is forever past and what is anticipated, yet never comes.  
  • Be gentle with ourselves and others, regarding spiritual progress and communicating in a degree they seem capable of understanding.
  • Be allowing of ourselves and others exactly as we have been designed to be, grow and think. 
  • Apply forgiveness to all situations and people regardless if they were deemed as a positive or negative influence or intention.
  • A representation of [our current understanding and justifications as] Love’s presence, which naturally seeks out ways to be most helpful.
  • Have the motivation to seek transcendence of past ways and healing into new ones. 
  • Be willing to follow our internal guidance, intuition and bliss and being obedient to it.
  • Seek a state of pure defenselessness with everyone and situation, understanding it is always possible to learn and achieve a new state of consciousness that is not in a world of issues and problems.
  • Have the strength and willingness to challenge ourselves to be greater as we personally desire to be.
  • Live with a full sense of liberation from restraint, denials and a need for personal freedom.
  • Remain sure of our design to be accepting and flexible with all of life’s adventures and opportunities of improvement.
  • Engage with others with tolerance and patience recognizing they represent a very specific perspective and intelligence, by design and respecting it.
  • Offer every living being an amount of respect we believe we are worthy of, with a sense of humility to our intentions.
  • Take ownership of a radical sense of responsibility of everything we see occurs and accountability of everything we believe does and has exists.
  • Extend help to others we perceive in a situation that we would want help in or out of if ourselves where also in.
  • Have the determination and perseverance to achieve our goals, and follow what we feel we have been called to achieve.
  • Express ourselves with a flawless honesty of everything we believe is true and possible, open to discussing details with perfect defenselessness 
  • Practice some form of communication with our divine everyday and attempting to improve that connection by whatever means guided.
  • Perceive life with an open-mind to new ways of life, and completely accepting that what others do with it, even as ourselves is between ourselves and our creator. 
  • Mercy 

 We do not condone, nor is it our place to condemn:
  • The use of actions leading to anyones death.
  • The use of actions of ingesting whatever one chooses.
  • The use of actions leaving others needing or wanting.
  • The use of words of any language of intensity or ill intent.
  • The use of thoughts concluding to someones judgment or worthiness.
  • The use of actions of forcing agreements one does not willingly agree with.
  • The use of actions leading to braking contracts and commitments with out all parties agreement 

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